
5 ways WWE can book Stephanie McMahon at Evolution PPV

Stephanie McMahon with Ronda Rousey on WWE Raw

The Women's Exclusive Evolution Pay-Per-View is going to be a landmark event in the history of pro-wrestling. WWE may be finding it hard to sell out the show but there's no denying about it being a trend for quite sometimes. Stephanie McMahon was the one to announce it on an episode of WWE Raw to take the Women's evolution one step forward.

Now it's time for the creative team to deliver a 'slobberknocker' to shut the critics up. Many of them are mocking this event to be a parody of women's revolution considering numerous Divas Champions' returns. The rumors that Nikki Bella might feature in the main event against Ronda Rousey have given another weapon to the critics who question WWE's effort to push the current women's roster.

One woman who has the ability to overshadow all of this is none other than Stephanie McMahon. The trusted shoulder is always there for WWE to keep positive and see the ultimate advancement of the company. She can play a pivotal role to make Evolution PPV a success. A properly executed segment on October 28th can steal the show and keep the fans away from finding then shortcomings.

At this time, we would like to bring five potential booking options for her at the Evolution PPV that would be 'best for business'. In fact, she has been the face of the Women's Evolution on TV for quite sometimes. She might not be part of the creative planning of the show but she is a backbone of the change coming in the women's division in WWE. Plus, very few can bring the mainstream attention that she brings. With that being said, a show-stealing performance is a must from the Billion Dollar Princess.

#5 Big announcement around new women’s titles

Something new is always exciting!

Speaking of business brings us to the current context of Stephanie McMahon where she became a full-on corporate lady to control the WWE Raw roster. She stays away from in-ring competition except for once in a while. So instead of entering the ring, it is better to let her come up with another historic announcement for the women's division to start the show on a big note.

The women's tag team titles or a mid-card title are rumoured to come out to the scene, sooner or later. So what better way to finally introduce these to us through Stephanie McMahon? She has dropped bombshells with previous women's Royal Rumble, Elimination Chamber or even Evolution PPV itself. Why does she not try it again to kick the night off on a huge note?

Introducing the titles will change the landscape of the women's division creating more opportunities for them. The competition will reach new heights as they will get another gold to fight. Plus, one of these newly inaugurated titles will utilize those talents who'd not be booked on the Evolution match card.

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