
5 Ways WWE Can Make Fans Forget Backlash 

Shinsuke Nakamura low blows AJ Styles.
The AJ Styles vs Shinsuke Nakamura finish at Backlash was embarrassing.

WWE Backlash was almost a complete debacle. Outside of one bright spot, the show was marred by bad booking and bad wrestling. WWE’s booking decisions had fans puzzled, frustrated, and running for the exits. What went wrong and what can WWE do to fix it?

They were puzzled by Carmella defeating Charlotte. Charlotte just ended Asuka’s undefeated streak at WrestleMania 34. WWE’s post-WrestleMania booking of Charlotte has hurt the significance of breaking the streak. Fans knew it and they didn’t like it.

They were frustrated by the bizarre finish of AJ Styles vs Shinsuke Nakamura. Two of the greatest wrestlers in the world were given an embarrassing finish not fitting of a WWE Championship match.

They were running for the exits during the Roman Reigns vs Samoa Joe main event. Fans were also chanting “Beat the traffic” during the match. Reigns has continued to be force fed to fans as the next “guy”. Fans especially haven’t liked that for a very long time.

Most fans agree that the only ray of sunshine was Seth Rollins vs The Miz. But, their great match couldn’t save Backlash from a storm of fan backlash. There is plenty to read about what went wrong at WWE Backlash.

However, the important question is how can WWE fix it. Here are 5 ways WWE can make fans forget the Backlash.

#5 John Cena heel turn

John Cena in a WWE ring.
John Cena turning heel would help fans forget Backlash.

If there was ever a right time to turn John Cena heel then it would be now. Cena’s babyface character has become extremely stale. He’s still wildly popular but fans want to see him do something different.

There are many similarities between Cena’s career and Hulk Hogan’s; Cena’s career is looking a lot like Hogan’s did in 1996. WCW fans had grown tired of the old red and yellow Hulkamania Hulk Hogan, and in response, WCW gave fans Hollywood Hogan and the nWo. It was a gamble to turn Hogan heel after all those years as a babyface, but it was a gamble that paid off.

WWE needs to give the fans what they want and turn Cena heel. Turning Cena heel would go a long way in helping fans forget the Backlash debacle.

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