
5 Wrestlemania matches everyone is terrified will happen

WrestleMania 33’s match card is still up in the air

WrestleMania is a time for celebration, during which every wrestling fan around the world sits back and basks in the glory of the show of shows. We get to watch with smiles on our faces as some of the top superstars in company battle it out for supremacy in the so-called season finale of the sports entertainment year.

What it is also a time for, however, is moaning. No matter what happens year in and year out at the showcase of the immortals, there is always something that doesn't quite please everyone in attendance.

Whether it's an odd booking decision or a blown spot, it would be a miracle for everyone to make it through an entire Mania without picking out some flaws here or there.

Now whilst some may shrug that off and claim it's to be expected, the superstars need to be given more credit than that. Nonetheless, anything we say isn't going to help the matter so instead, we'll look in more detail at some potential warning signs for the upcoming edition of the show in Orlando.

With sweat dripping down the faces of everyone reading, let's have a quick glance at five potential WrestleMania matches that could leave people hitting the cancel buttons on their WWE Network subscriptions.

#1 Braun Strowman vs. Roman Reigns

Braun Strowman Roman Reigns
Strowman and Reign aren’t ready for a match of this magnitude

Oh, the horror. Just twelve months ago people were moaning to their hearts' content about the possibility of Braun Strowman having a marquee match at WM32, and in the present day we find ourselves in the same situation.

It's a shame really, because Braun really has come on leaps and bounds especially since the brand split.

But the problem isn't him - it's Roman Reigns. Whilst some people choose to just bash The Big Dog regardless of his abilities, it's important to be objective about this. The real problem doesn't lie with Roman because his illogical booking over the last few years has indicated that WWE actually want him to fail.

Also read: 5 Matches that should happen at WrestleMania 33

It seems baffling that his alignment hasn't even been altered in the slightest.

In regards to the actual match itself, there's certainly potential there. If Roman was made to look like a careless monster who is just out for blood, this could be a fun barbarian-like brawl similar to the former Shield member's match against Brock Lesnar in Santa Clara.

As it stands, however, the position of both men in the company doesn't warrant a bout of this magnitude. You can tease it in the Rumble all you want, but for now stay well away.

Speaking of staying away, these two had avoided each other quite well until last week.

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