5 Wrestlers that should switch brands during the next WWE Draft

The current scenario in WWE is anything but good, with there being a clear overload of wrestlers on RAW and SmackDown seemingly lacking some key big players.
While that is happening, it also seems that some wrestlers have been unable to make an impact because of the crowded locker room or just seeming out of place.
The next WWE draft could provide a perfect opportunity to infuse some new energy and new storylines because right now, with the way things have been, the storylines have started to become a bit stale and something new is the need of the hour right now.
And for some superstars whose careers have almost started to dwindle, this could be the perfect opportunity to rekindle it and set it back on its course.
The following superstars should be looking to make a move at the next brand split:
#1 Finn Balor (SmackDown)

If you are talking about wrestlers being completely out of place then Finn Balor's name sticks out loud and clear. No one really knows what's the status quo for Finn Balor right now. Is he an upper mid-carder, a lower mid-carder or just a jobber to the big muscled dudes of Raw?
Finn Balor has just lost his identity among the big guys on Raw. He is a complete misfit because of which he's had to just job for them. His character hasn't developed and rather has stagnated.
The Demon King gimmick has been up in the air for so long that it's almost hard to understand. Moving to SmackDown could give Balor a welcomed fresh change as he could reform the "Balor Club" and subsequently have a chance to fight for gold, which he just hasn't done for far too long now.