
5 Wrestlers who are nice in real life, and 5 who aren't always nice

Randy Orton
Randy Orton

Professional wrestlers have a hard life in many ways. They are constantly on the road, rarely getting to spend much time at home with loved ones, and of course, their job is physically demanding.

Worse, now that many people carry around an internet connected camera in their pockets, they have to be very careful not to say or do anything that could reflect badly on their company or their brand name. One out of context comment could leave you with dwindling merchandise sales or even bereft of a job.

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That all being said, there's really no excuse to be rude or mean to fans. Wrestlers are performers, and the most important people in a performer's career are their fans. Period. Without the support of the people, the Rock would never have become the highest paid movie star in the world, and Sting would be bouncing in some dive bar in California.

Some wrestlers are simply rude to their fans and peers. Then, there are those wrestlers who seem the epitome of niceness, which is particularly confusing when they play a heel on TV!

Here are five wrestlers are known to be an unpleasant company in real life, and five who are renowned for their kindness.

Not always nice: Seth Rollins


Seth Rollins is one of the best athletes in wrestling today. His blend of hard strikes, technical wrestling, and superb conditioning have rightfully earned him a place at the top of the card, including reigns as the WWE champion.

However, one aspect of the sport where Seth doesn't perform so well is in how he responds to fans in public places...such as the airport. He even compared fans seeking autographs to stalkers.

It's hard to separate myth and legend from truth. While Seth's tweet is a matter of public record, there are rumours of him blowing off fans in public and behaving like a 1990s era Shawn Michaels. What is know is that his rants about'stalkers wanting to take their picture with him seem ungrateful to many. Seth Rollins is one of the best wrestlers in the world, but he needs to learn how to win friends and influence people.

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