5 WWE Champions who were suspended due to Wellness Policy violations

In a shocking turn of events, WWE has suspended Roman Reigns for a period of 30 days effective immediately. The reason cited for the same was his first violation of the company’s talent Wellness Policy. Roman Reigns apologized to his family and friends for doing so and posted a tweet regarding the same.
This comes as an absolute shocker to the WWE Universe because only hours before on RAW was a match scheduled among the three members of The Shield for the upcoming Battleground PPV and a ban on Roman would serious effect the company’s plans. Add to it that there is also the Draft scheduled for July 19th and Roman’s absence would create a big void during that process.
From another angle, this “suspension” would actually help Reigns as he was struggling with the fans warming up to him. This break could hopefully bring him some momentum once he makes a return and that would be the only positive takeaway for Roman from this ban.
As part of this slideshow, let us have a look at 5 former World Champions who were suspended for Wellness Policy violations-