
5 WWE face turns we didn't see coming, since 2010

Who would have known taking advantage of a wounded man could turn you face?

One of the constants about wrestling, regardless of era, booking, storylines or personalities has been the division between babyfaces and heels. You have the clearly defined good guy who is someone that the fans can support. It has always made for interesting competition when heels and faces square off against one another.

As time progressed, the lines between faces and heels became blurred, and it has become common place to cheer the heel and jeer the overly happy and upbeat faces. Because of the changes in wrestling fandom, becoming a face has been harder to achieve.

Fans have become more and more disenchanted with faces that slap hands and smile while asking for their approval. So over the past few years, face turns have become harder to achieve; however when they have happened, fans have certainly been caught off guard.

It hasn't been done in the most common of ways, and sometimes it has been done out of necessity, getting fans to cheer wrestlers that they had been jeering. Which face turns did we see coming? Which ones caught fans off guard? A number of them certainly surprised the audience in attendance as well as those watching on television.

Here are five WWE face turns since 2010 that we didn't see coming.

#5 Seth Rollins (after Triple H turned on him)

An unsuspecting Rollins didn’t see this coming, along with the WWE Universe

When Seth Rollins returned from injury, he was greeted with a hero's welcome.

There was a huge ovation when he ran down the aisle and attacked Roman Reigns from behind. Whether that was because of the disdain towards Reigns on the part of most wrestling fans, or glee that Rollins had returned, it was clear that the fans were pleased to see him and approved of his actions.

But the next night on Monday Night Raw, Rollins was able to turn those cheers to jeers once again. He stated that no one was really behind him other than the Authority. He believed he once again had Triple H and Stephanie McMahon firmly in his corner.

Also read:  5 WWE Heel Turns Since 2010 We Didnt See Coming

He appeared to return to his typically weasel-like ways, his attack from behind on Roman Reigns included. If we fast forward a couple of months later, Rollins faced Finn Balor for the new WWE Universal title. Despite losing the match, he contended soon after in a fatal four way match with Big Cass, Roman Reigns and Kevin Owens.

What caught fans off guard was the match's conclusion, when Triple H turned on Rollins, costing him the chance to capture the new championship and turning him face in the process.

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