
5 WWE Legends With The Weakest Finishers

These finishers are the worst but got over
These finishers are the worst but got over with fans

There are hundreds of finishing moves used in professional wrestling and the main objective of each finisher is to end a match. Finishers are supposed to look so dangerous that the person receiving the move looks like he/she will not be able to get up for a while. There are many different types of finishers, with each professional wrestler having their own unique move or using those that have been innovated by their predecessors. Some finishers look pretty cool and others just look absolutely bizarre.

Over the years, we have seen wrestlers use finishers that look dangerous and deadly, while some are just too silly to be taken seriously. When performing a finisher, wrestlers have to protect themselves and their opponents to avoid botching the move and ending up in hospital. There are a number of WWE legends that we thought had the coolest finishers and no matter how silly some of them were, they were still fun to watch.

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Those silly finishers got over with the crowds even though they didn't have much of an impact. They were too simple and basic to be taken seriously as a finisher. In the past wrestlers had the weirdest finishing moves, but as time went on new finishers were innovated. Here are top 5 GOAT WWE Superstars with the worst finishers.

#5 Big Show - WMD/KO Punch

The WMD (Weapon of Mass Destruction), also known as the KO Punch is a finishing maneuver performed by WWE Superstar Big Show. He uses his fists to knock out his opponents instantly since he has the largest hands than anyone else. Although this does make a bit sense for a man of his size to KO his opponent with a single punch, it just doesn't work unless he does it with enough force.

Legitimate punching is illegal is in professional wrestling so it doesn't make sense for him to go around punching other people. He could've just punched his opponent in the beginning of a match and just be over with it. Big Show should've stuck to his other finisher, The Chokeslam as it is more believable than the KO Punch. The WMD is just a normal punch and shouldn't be used as a finisher.

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