5 WWE Main Roster stars who might be worried about NXT stars appearing on their shows, and 5 who have nothing to worry about

When Tommaso Ciampa, Johnny Gargano, Aleister Black, and Ricochet all appeared on RAW, the wrestling world started buzzing. But should the 'established' main roster stars be worried?
In professional wrestling locker rooms, there is a certain amount of consternation surrounding the idea that someone might 'take your spot' on the roster.
Bret Hart bemoaned it a great deal on the documentary Wrestling with Shadows, saying "They took my good guy job and gave it to Steve Austin, and then they took my bad guy job and gave it to Shawn Michaels."
While it's not a new concept, when you have a roster as deep and expansive as the one WWE currently lays claim to, there are bound to be some ruffled feathers and hurt feelings when new stars appear on a particular brand. That may be the case after NXT superstars Ricochet, Aleister Black, Johnny Gargano, and NXT champion Tommaso Ciampa all appeared on the main brand of Raw.
Their appearance immediately set off a firestorm of speculation, both in the locker room and on the world wide web. Would these four talents be appearing on the main roster on a regular basis? Is this a sign that they will be called up permanently?
Should the WWE main roster be worried? There are five who might be, and five who have nothing to worry about.
Might be worried about NXT callups #1: Titus O'Neil

The man who slid into internet meme fame during the Greatest Royal Rumble is one talent who might be worried about NXT call ups appearing on the main brand.
Titus has been a mainstay on WWE's main roster for many years, but during that time has failed to accomplish much. He is usually something akin to comic relief, such as when he vomited after taking a giant swing from Cesaro. With NXT call ups coming at an ever increasing pace, his slow, plodding power style might leave him lost in the shuffle as smaller, quicker athletes take the spotlight.
Titus O'Neil certainly has more going for him outside of wrestling, so he does have some things to fall back on if his spot winds up taken by an NXT call up.