5 WWE stars who no-sold fan interruptions

For the most part, WWE fans are allowed to do and say as they please when they attend WWE events. Unlike other scripted television shows, WWE is all about audience interaction. If a fan wants to cheer WWE’s top bad guy, they can. If someone wants to start a negative chant about a babyface, they can.
There are, of course, a few exceptions. The biggest exception is when a WWE fan hops over the barricade and tries to confront a Superstar. That has happened several times in WWE, both on live television and at live events.
In less serious situations, some Superstars have even had something thrown at them during a match or ring entrance.
While some Superstars have immediately reacted to these incidents, others have completely ignored the distraction and continued performing like nothing even happened.
In this article, let’s take a look at five WWE stars who no-sold interruptions from fans.
#5 Natalya no-sold a bottle being thrown at her (WWE Crown Jewel 2019)

In 2018, WWE began holding two pay-per-view events per year in Saudi Arabia. Up until that point, the company had never been allowed to book women’s matches on their shows in the country.
That rule continued at WWE’s first three major Saudi Arabia shows: Greatest Royal Rumble 2018, Crown Jewel 2018, and Super ShowDown 2019.
At the fourth major WWE event in the country, Crown Jewel 2019, the card included a women’s match for the first time. The history-making match, Natalya vs. Lacey Evans, lasted seven minutes and ended with Natalya making her opponent submit.
During Natalya’s entrance, someone threw a water bottle at her leg when she was midway down the ramp. The Queen of Harts carried on with her entrance and did not let it affect her.
She went on to discuss the incident, which has been removed from the WWE Network replay, in an interview with Yahoo Sports:
"When that water bottle was thrown, it was kind of symbolic of my life, our lives as people. I have yet to meet a person who has yet to have a struggle in their journey.
"For me, all I could think of in that moment was that ‘Oh, a bottle was thrown.’ I was going to keep going forward because forward is forward no matter what the pace is. Because of that mindset I’ve gotten to where I am today. I’ve had so much worse than bottles thrown at me."
WWE’s fifth major event in Saudi Arabia, Super ShowDown 2020, featured another women’s match between Bayley and Naomi.