
5 WWE Superstars and their GFW counterparts

Reigns is the Golden Boy behind the scenes...
Reigns is the Golden Boy behind the scenes...

With the history of professional wrestling, it is very difficult to come up with something that is truly original. Gimmicks, storylines, moves, and everything else involved with "sports entertainment" — as one Mr Vincent Kennedy McMahon likes to call it — is derivative.

Which is why you see a lot of gimmicks and superstars these days who are doppelgangers, copies, and rip-offs of others. Sometimes it happens within the same promotion, and at other times, you have one promotion ripping off another one. Look no further than The Monday Night Wars for some of the most blatant examples.

But, we're not here to talk about the past but rather, the present. Global Force Wrestling - previously known as Impact Wrestling and prior to that, most famously, as TNA - is a prime example of copying the WWE to varying degrees with its different wrestlers.

And, today we're going to explore those GFW professional wrestlers who are direct counterparts to WWE Superstars. So, without any further ado, here are 5 WWE Superstars and their GFW counterparts:

#5 Roman Reigns and Ethan Carter III

...While EC3 is the Golden Boy on-screen
...While EC3 is the Golden Boy on-screen

This one is more about Ethan Carter III - or EC3 as he's more commonly referred to as - being a direct counterpart of Roman Reigns' real life standing with the company rather than a counterpart of Reigns' gimmick.

EC3's gimmick is that he is the Golden Boy of GFW - the nephew of Dixie Carter, the previous owner of TNA. That is basically what Roman is behind the scenes in WWE. While The Big Dog pushes from backstage authority figures isn't explicitly stated on the air, everyone knows it's true. That's basically why he gets booed out of every building.

With EC3, it's part of his on-air persona and the storylines he engages in. He gets pushed because he is connected to someone important, has the look of a true professional wrestler and the officials want him to be the face of the company.

Seems pretty similar to me.

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