
5 WWE Superstars that keep getting overlooked

Kevin Owens just doesn't get the opportunities he deserves.
Kevin Owens just doesn't get the opportunities he deserves.

For every Superstar that gets the honor of being in a main event role with WWE, there are countless others never get that same consideration. The problem with this, however, is that there are some Superstars that deserve these top roles in the company but never get the chance to due to one reason or another.

While not everyone can be a top-level Superstar, especially with how competitive the WWE roster is right now, there are some that seem to just be repeatedly overlooked in favor of the company's chosen ones. Of course, WWE has their reasons for doing so and while there are some of them are justified, a few of them just aren't.

A lot of top tier talent are still waiting for their big opportunity or to be utilized more and here are five WWE talents that repeatedly get overlooked by the company. As always, let us know your thoughts in the comments below and be sure to tell us who you think the most overlooked Superstar is.

#5. Big E

Big E just never seemed to get the right opportunities in WWE
Big E just never seemed to get the right opportunities in WWE

There's something about Big E that just screams star power, but the company has seemingly never utilized it. Sure, there would be an Intercontinental Championship run, or his tag team title run with The New Day, but he never had that singles success that some feel he rightfully deserved.

Keep in mind that Big E debuted as Dolph Ziggler's bodyguard and was billed as a legitimate threat to anyone on the roster. Unfortunately for him, he toiled in the mid-card for quite some time before being brought into The New day faction. And while the group has been wildly successful, he still hasn't had the singles success he should have.

In the end, Big E is a very powerful presence in WWE and can connect with any audience. Beyond that, he is hilariously witty, smart, and able to make anything entertaining. He is one of those Superstars that could grab the brass ring and one has to wonder why he hasn't yet.

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