5 WWE Superstars who could be in the new mystery RAW faction

Monday Night RAW gave some interesting new angles to look into this week. We saw the introduction of RAW Underground, a Fight Club of sorts, where WWE Superstars would test their mettle. At the end of the night, even The Hurt Business got in on the fun. We also saw the Riott Squad reform, as well as Apollo Crews making his return to RAW.
However, something that caught the attention of the WWE Universe was a short clip of several hooded/masked people throwing a Molotov cocktail at what seemed to be some kind of generator.
Throughout the night, RAW faced several issues regarding power. Lights flickering, equipment failing, and more. Turns out, the reason was this new mysterious group that just seemed to want to cause some good old fashioned chaos.
Who were they? Why were they screwing with WWE production? What to do they have in store for WWE going forward?
I'm here to answer ONE of these questions, and I believe this could be some sort of mass NXT call-up, kind of like the one we saw a few years ago but not as depressing to look back on. That being said, we're not trying to guess every member, just get a few right.
#5 WWE NXT's Dominik Dijakovic

The last time we saw Dominik Dijakovic, he was getting his head bashed in and choked out by NXT's latest devil, Karrion Kross. WIth Scarlett at his side, Kross was able to easily dismantle the giant, even putting on a brutal display in front of Dijakovic's close friend Keith Lee.
While Lee and Kross have some unfinished business to take care of, it looks like Dijakovic has been written off TV for a while. With NXT putting its focus on a lot of newer talent regarding their North American Championshp picture, along with Lee, Kross, and surely Adam Cole in the mix for the main belt, there's not much left for Dijakovic to do on the Black & Gold brand.
However, if he was looking to make an impact and have the WWE Universe feast their eyes on him and all of his glory... an explosive jump to Monday nights might just do the trick, wouldn't you say?
Plus, with rumors of him getting called up recently, this would be the perfect time to introduce him. Not to mention Dijakovic recently deleted his entire Twitter history recently. It all adds up a bit too well.