
5 WWE Superstars Stephanie McMahon probably dislikes

A few Superstars aren’t on Stephanie’s Christmas card list

If you know anything about the McMahon family which runs the WWE – and most of the professional wrestling world – then you know that they aren’t the easiest bunch of people to work with. By all accounts, Shane McMahon is the nicest of the lot whereas Stephanie and Vince are nightmares to work with.

Stephanie, especially, has been known to have a short fuse for someone who technically isn’t the head of the promotion. There have been rumours that she is quite difficult to work with and has been known to take her anger out on staff and wrestlers according to various ex-employees of the company. After all, who can forget when a story emerged that she forced a staff writer to apologise to the whole locker room when he used a wrestling term in her presence.

So, there is very little surprise that she isn’t a fan of a number of current and ex-WWE superstars. But, which ones does she hate the most? Well, that’s what we’re here to find out. So, without any further ado, here is our list of 5 WWE superstars Stephanie McMahon hates the most:

#5 Rob Van Dam

RVD has earned the ire of the Princess

Rob Van Dam was poised to break out as a huge star back in 2002 and win the WWE Championship, but that never came to pass and instead, it was Triple H who ascended to the top of the mountain. Various rumours have stated that it was because of Stephanie McMahon stepping in on behalf of The Game to end RVD’s chances.

Van Dam himself has claimed that he had multiple issues with the way the WWE was being run back in those days and implied that Stephanie had a problem with him personally. There is a good chance that it was his fondness for marijuana as well as Steph’s personal connection to Trips that caused problems between the pair.

RVD finally got his chance at greatness in 2006 but blew it all away when he was found to be in possession of marijuana when crossing the Canadian border. That truly spelt the end of his chances as a main event star, and one does imagine that Steph wasn’t too heartbroken about it.

Also read: 5 Superstars you forgot Stephanie McMahon slapped

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