
Top 5 WWE Superstars who surprisingly almost quit wrestling

Here are five WWE Superstars who were this close to quitting the industry
Here are five WWE Superstars who were this close to quitting the industry

Many people want to make their name as a professional wrestler, but only some of them are able to achieve that dream. Why? Well, putting the work in on a daily basis and mostly facing with rejection and failure takes a lot of persistence and courage.

The WWE Superstars mentioned in this list are some examples of that truth. While they were dealt some bad cards, they still decided to persevere.

Of course, just like any human being, these stars also had doubts about the likelihood of their long-term success. They may have thought about quitting their jobs. But instead of submitting to this impulse, they worked harder and proved that they have what it takes to thrive.

With that being said, here's a look at five WWE Superstars who came very close to quitting the industry.

#5 WWE Star Jinder Mahal almost quit wrestling

Jinder Mahal WWE
Jinder Mahal WWE

During his first stint with WWE, Jinder Mahal tried hard to make it to the top of the company. But these efforts failed to take him beyond the mid-card. In fact, he was usually used as comic relief. His career was floundering, so WWE ultimately released Mahal in 2014.

Following his exit, Mahal was not signed by any other major promotion. He started working on the independent circuit, but he didn't find a lot of success there. As a result, he thought about stepping away from the wrestling business. But he couldn't go through with this decision.

Mahal was too passionate to hang up his boots. So he gave wrestling one more try. He gave up alcohol, stopped eating junk food, and started going to the gym. With his hard work and dedication, he got into the best shape of his life.

WWE admired the work Mahal did on himself. The company reached out and told him that its doors are open if he wanted to walk through them. Of course, Mahal didn't waste any time and signed with the company in 2016.

Within a year of his WWE return, Mahal made history and won the WWE Championship for the first time in his career. It's fair to say that he made the right decision when he decided to continue his wrestling career.

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