
5 WWE superstars that desperately need a character change in 2018

Roman Reigns 2018
The "Big Dog" will never change in the way many fans want, but that doesn't mean he can't change at all

Some superstars hit such a big stride in 2017 that it would be beyond stupid not to take advantage of their momentum and give them a push in 2018. Others, however, have fared much worse.

Whether through bad booking, a lack of congruence between person and character, or something else that just didn't click, these superstars can't be expected to get over in 2018 if they continue with their current acts without making any changes.

#1 Jason Jordan

Jason Jordan Kurt Angle son
Gold blooded perhaps, but not believable.

Jason Jordan was put in a bad spot out of the gate, as illegitimate child stories just aren't believable in 2017 (though like many other tropes, Vince McMahon never seems to have gotten the memo). With no mic skills to help him make the best of a bad situation, it's little wonder why the character fell flat from the beginning.

Instead, Jason Jordan has been given the role of Rocky Maivia, and with little momentum, the smiling blue chipper babyface has largely faded into the background for the past few months.

He now finds himself in a prominent spot again as a member of Team Raw at Survivor Series. It should be used as a vehicle for a change of character. This could be through a classic heel turn against his "father" and team, but it could also be a way to illustrate that he let his "father" down when he inevitably gets eliminated.

The first time I genuinely felt anything for the guy was when Kurt Angle named him to the team and he seemed so excited, like a kid trying to please the "father" he never knew.

Exploring this story, where Jason Jordan tries desperately to please his "father" but feels like he comes up short, could work too... better than what's happened up till now at least.

However they do it, Jason Jordan can't remain the smiling white meat babyface in 2018 if WWE is serious about his push.

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