
5 WWE superstars who are "counting the days" for their contract to end

Rusev definitely wants out
Rusev definitely wants out

With the sudden and unexpected rise of All Elite Wrestling, the reports seem to suggest that the tides are really turning within WWE. While WWE has always been the #1 player in the pro-wrestling/sports entertainment industry, there's an increasing feeling that they're not alone anymore.

Of course, it's going to be a while before anyone reaches their level, but what we mean to say is what Jon Moxley told Chris Jericho - Wrestlers don't really have to worry about job security. It's 2019 and there are plenty of options for wrestlers around the world.

While AEW would obviously be a first choice given how its being run and the billionare backing that it is, it's realistic to say that AEW can't (nor should they) sign every available former WWE superstar.

At the end of the day, the reports are probably true, there are a bunch of WWE superstars who are essentially "counting the days" for their contracts to end. Here are the obvious names.

#5. Eric Young

A fall from grace
A fall from grace

Eric Young has really been in the middle of a bad and unfortunate situation. After years of toiling in Impact Wrestling, he jumped over to WWE and formed an incredible faction in Sanity. It had all the makings of being a potentially great group, but then...the main roster happened.

As we know, once the "main roster effect" takes place, it ruins everything. Sanity were instantly demoted to jobbers and the group was hardly featured before being quietly split up. Alexander Wolfe and Killian Dain have gone back to NXT while Eric Young is toiling on RAW, probably chasing after the 24/7 Championship.

Since his run in WWE didn't quite go as expected, he's probably counting the days until his contract ends and he can go back to free agent status.

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