
5 WWE personnels who are in the wrong roles

Having the right role is crucial in the wrestling business. If you are stuck in a role that does not suit you, then the chances of you living up to your potential are pretty low. It is as simple as that. Now, a professional wrestler's role in the company might not always be his choice. He or she will have to follow orders from the promoters. An exception to this is the independent scene where the wrestlers have a say on their characters.

Coming back to the superstars stuck in wrong roles, the current WWE roster has a lot of victims of the situation. The list takes a look at such wrestlers who would work wonders if they are repackaged.



Kane is getting a lot of television time now. He is also near the main event scene as we speak. However, the entire director of operations gimmick is not what the fans want from Kane. Beneath the suit, there is a dormant big red monster that we all want to see. However, as Batman once said, it is not what's beneath you, it is what you do that defines do.

What Kane does now is the dirty work of The Authority. He interferes in every possible match and looks like a coward in front of Triple H. Kane should shed off this image and bring his mask back. He will be a worthy opponent against the Authority. Also, with the mask, he could have one last run in the title scene.

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