
5 WWE Superstars who can lead the women's revolution in 2017

Will the Wicked Witch carry women’s wrestling to new heights?

Women’s Wrestling has reached new heights this year! Heights that it has never touched in the entirety of its existence. However, to be honest, it has primarily been a one-woman show (two if one were to include Sasha Banks in the second half of 2016).

Charlotte Flair has carried the company on her back with an undefeated PPV streak.

We’re sure 2017 will usher in new programs that may/may not include the genetically superior one! Which new WWE female superstar will carry the mantle this year? Let’s look at some contenders, shall we?

Honourable Mention: Carmella

Carmella just barely misses out on being a top 5 contender

Carmella has transformed from being Enzo/Cass’s lovable valet (and a rather green performer) during her NXT days to an evil, malicious heel character. The best part is, this role fits her far better than her babyface persona ever did in the past.

Also read:  5 Breakthrough WWE Superstars of 2016

The only reason she does not make our countdown is because she still has a long way to go in terms of her in-ring work (which is lacking). However, she can cut a promo with the best of them and is improving by the day.

Her program with Nikki Bella has been intense, long, drawn out, but definitely not boring. Maybe not 2017, but if Carmella improves at this rate, 2018 may well be her year!

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