
5 WWE Superstars who continually reinvented themselves


The gimmick is an extension of the wrestler. It is his or her ability to be able to mold it as per the needs of the WWE fans. That's what great WWE Wrestlers do. They adapt, survive and succeed. They must transform themselves...much like a musical artist like Madonna.

Wait...you're probably asking yourself...Why the heck is Madonna even being brought up with connection to WWE? She certainly was the reigning Queen of Pop that ruled throughout the 80s and 90s. She has delighted several fans across the world with her music. It can be argued that some in the WWE Universe are probably fans as well.

So, what's the point of including Madonna as the main issue of this list? Let me explain. One of the reasons that Madonna stayed relevant for all those years was her ability to reinvent herself. Lady Gaga has perfected that art to perfection, especially with her Oscar-winning hit song 'shallow.'

The point being that WWE Superstars fall in the same category. They have to constantly recreate themselves to keep themselves relevant in the business. It takes something special to keep the WWE Universe interested in them. Sure, all WWE legends who return always have a great welcome but very few actually can keep up with the young guns.

The WWE Superstars who are included in this list are ones that were able to change with the times without completely tarnishing their original gimmick but still keeping the core of it intact. WWE Wrestlers are creative creatures at heart like their musical or acting counterparts. When they have a good match, they are creating magic in the middle of a WWE ring.

Here are 5 WWE Superstars who transformed themselves over the years and stayed relevant.

#5 Triple H

From Gentleman to Cerebral Assassin
From Gentleman to Cerebral Assassin

It's hard to imagine Triple H as to when he first started to what he has achieved in the WWE. He's now one of the higher ranked executives in the WWE. He started as a Connecticut Blueblood, who became a rabble-rouser and leader of DX who became The Game to becoming The Cerebral Assassin.

He even adopted The Authority as a corporate-like owner much like Vince McMahon. He has transformed himself to fit every era of the WWE. The Best In The Game...Indeed!

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