
5 WWE Superstars Who Look Nothing Like They Did 5 Years Ago

In this article, we look at 5 WWE Superstars who look nothing like did five years ago...
In this article, we look at 5 WWE Superstars who look nothing like did five years ago...

Staying the same certainly isn't a "way of life" any successful WWE Superstars live by, because without question, the bulk majority of WWE wrestlers are continuously changing their look and tweaking different aspects regarding their character to stay relevant and "with the times" in sports entertainment.

Complacency undoubtedly isn't a trait Vince McMahon tolerates in his top tier performers, hence why Superstars are always trying to better themselves and stand out from the rest of the pack. As many of you fans are aware, the slightest tweak can be the difference maker between a wrestler succeeding in the business versus flopping, and one recent example of this notion would have to be "The Modern Day Maharaja" Jinder Mahal.

Before attaining an absolutely shredded physique, Jinder Mahal was overlooked by WWE management to the point where Mahal was eventually released from the company. Jinder decided to take his career into his own hands, get into the best shape of his life, and then attempt to revitalize his career in WWE -- this led Mahal to the WWE World Championship. Today, we will take a look at 5 WWE wrestlers who look nothing like they did 5 years ago...

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#5 Baron Corbin

Baron Corbin has certainly changed his overall look for the better in WWE...
Baron Corbin has certainly changed his overall look for the better in WWE...

For those of you unaware, "The Lone Wolf" Baron Corbin started off his career in sports on the football field, and before signing up with WWE's developmental, Corbin was much heavier and less defined than he is now -- not to mention having a much different hair style. The photograph above showcases what Corbin looked like approximately five years ago, and by all means, he's pretty unrecognizable compared to today.

When Corbin signed to WWE in 2012, it can be guaranteed that the developmental trainers requested Baron Corbin to lose a few pounds, because aesthetically speaking, Vince McMahon prefers his top stars to be in great shape -- McMahon loves big guys, but not often the out-of-shape (or husky) big guys... Despite their obvious differences, Roman Reigns and Baron Corbin are much alike, as they both started off in football (both much heavier too), and they have since transformed their look for the better.

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