
5 WWE Superstars who need a new finisher in 2018

The most over move of all time
The most over move of all time

All top stars that the WWE has ever produced have one thing in common - a crowd popping finisher, be it a Stone Cold Stunner or a Randy Orton RKO. A finisher is perhaps the most important ingredient in portending any wrestler as a legitimate threat in WWE's world.

So, let us take a look at 5 WWE superstars who need to tweak their game a bit to reach the next level.

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#5. The Miz

Miz performing the Skull Crushing Finale
Miz performing the Skull Crushing Finale

Current Finisher: The Skull Crushing Finale

The Miz used a swinging neck-breaker during his initial days as a WWE superstar. While it was good enough to bring him tag team gold, The Miz knew that it could not fetch him a win against the likes of Orton and Cena.

Then came the Skull Crushing Finale and fast forward to today, The Miz has been a WWE Champion and a multi-time Intercontinental Champion. But, it seems that something is stopping him from reaching the next level.

New Finisher: Busaiku Knee

The Miz has copied a lot of moves that Daniel Bryan used to do in order to taunt him. So, why not adopt his finisher which has already pinned John Cena.

While The Miz has constantly improved in the ring and on the mic, evolving into one of the WWE's best, it seems history is repeating itself by stagnating him on the same level for far too long. Thus, once again, The Miz could find himself challenging for the WWE World or Universal championships by just adopting a more lethal finisher.

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