
5 WWE SmackDown Superstars who need to move to RAW

Some SmackDown Superstars would fare better on Raw

Seven months on from a landscape-altering draft, the WWE is finally producing two competent live shows on a weekly basis. The monumental draft has allowed the WWE to show off the vast depths of its massively talented roster.

Superstars who we previously thought that we'd never be invested in have now stolen all of our attention and captured our hearts. Past mid-carders have now turned into main eventers because of the 5 hours of weekly programming present.

I suppose most of us could agree that SmackDown has been the more consistent of the two shows, creating new stars and building on interesting storylines every week. It's been branded as the land of opportunity but that doesn't mean that every Superstar should be allowed the privilege of performing on Tuesday nights.

Unfortunately, some Superstars haven't taken the chance they've been given. Instead, they've continued to under-deliver.

Here are 5 WWE Superstars from the SmackDown roster that need to move to RAW for various reasons.

#5 American Alpha

American Alpha in the ring on SmackDownLive
American Alpha are the current SmackDown Tag Team Champions

Sometimes wrestlers have all the talent, all the opportunities, but just limited charisma. Since their debut on SmackDown Live, American Alpha have had everything go in their favour. The favourable booking, the wins over established Superstars and the glorious title win.

Despite all this, the crowds haven't taken to them as many thought they would. Simply put, they're not over.

Also read: 5 Raw superstars who can feud with AJ Styles

From my personal perspective, I think this is due to the lack of character development they've had over the past few months. Despite knowing that they both love to dig deep, we as fans know nothing about the personality of the American Alpha duo.

There's nothing to get behind or sympathise with. On SmackDown, the pair have been pushed to the top of the tag division without any back story. On RAW, this back-story could be provided thus allowing us to know who the American Alpha really are.

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