
5 WWE superstars who proved Vince McMahon wrong

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To become a top superstar in WWE, you need to win not just the WWE Universe over, but the most important man in the entire industry - Vince K. McMahon. He's been the boss for nearly four decades now, and every superstar that's been pushed has been because they won Vince McMahon over.

Winning McMahon over is no easy task. John Cena has spoken before in the past about how the current WWE locker room doesn't go out of their way to get advice and try to constantly learn. However, the ones who do listen to the advice of names like Vince McMahon and use it to their fullest are the ones who have passed his test. There have been many superstars handpicked by McMahon. Some have failed while many were the ones who ended up making it big.

However, we take a look at the superstars who Vince McMahon didn't see potential in, but later managed to do so. There's one exception on this list.

#5. AJ Styles

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AJ Styles walked into WWE expecting to be a midcarder himself. In fact, it's believed that even Vince McMahon viewed him that way. Fans hoped that if they were lucky, they could witness Styles have good midcard title runs, with a couple of years in his tank before retirement.

However, the cream always rises to the top, and AJ Styles proved McMahon wrong in a way that would have surprised the boss himself. McMahon was brutally honest to Styles, telling him that he had plenty of guys who could do what he did. What he wanted to see out of Styles was a pit bullĀ and an aggressor. Styles, being the performer that he is, took McMahon's advice to heart and did exactly what his boss requested.

Since then, he's been one of the most pushed superstars in the company and a multi-time World Champion.

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