
6 Best booking decisions by WWE towards the buildup of WrestleMania 35

The dynamic between Kofi Kingston and Vince McMahon has been gripping audiences worldwide
The dynamic between Kofi Kingston and Vince McMahon has been gripping audiences worldwide

2018 was a great year for WWE and it laid a strong foundation for 2019 to be even more spectacular. Royal Rumble was a hit, and the Elimination Chamber exceeded a lot of the fans' expectations. The change in WWE programming, spearheaded by Vince McMahon himself, has actually been delightful. We have been presented with a variety of different storylines, booking decisions and character developments, some of which have pleased the audience like never before.

With the McMahon family back on TV, along with some of the hottest storylines in recent years involving the best superstars in the business, things look impressively bright for the time to come. With that in mind, here are some of the best booking decisions by WWE leading up to WrestleMania 35.

#6 Samoa Joe's Role in WWE

WWE has been able to keep Samoa Joe's aura alive even after bad booking last year
WWE has been able to keep Samoa Joe's aura alive even after bad booking last year

Samoa Joe has been protected well by the WWE. In fact, a veteran of his caliber deserved the booking he has received thus far. His in-ring booking has been on-point really, and while he has failed to win any top title on both brands, WWE has been able to keep his aura alive through good booking decisions throughout this year.

Samoa Joe has reached the twilight years of his career, and winning the top championships isn't something that he may be hungry for. Samoa Joe has not been secretive about his desire to be a backstage figure in WWE, with him wanting to be part of a backstage role in NXT. He is instead, the perfect wrestler that can take up the role of a feared performer that can put over rising talent, similar to Kassius Ohno in NXT. By no means is Samoa Joe a jobber, and certainly, WWE understands that. They have used his skills well.

That being said, WWE has made the right decision by having him win the United States Championship and allowing him to defend it at WrestleMania - that to a mouth-watering clash with Rey Mysterio. Many fans might have complained of the way he was booked in the entirety of 2018, but it's hard to argue that Joe has a very good spot on the card, as the entire main-event scene is crowded at the moment. Samoa Joe has the capacity to put some prestige back to the United States title, and a match between the two of the best veterans of professional wrestling is actually very decent booking from WWE.

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