
6 Best WWE pre-show matches that should have been on the main card

Neville's had some great matches on pre-shows
Neville's had some great matches on pre-shows

WWE pay-per-views always begin with a pre-show. This show works as WWE's final promotion tool when it comes to trying to ensure there are more eyes on the actual pay-per-view event that follows it.

Over the past few years, since the WWE unveiled the kickoff shows, there have been a number of top superstars who have been demoted to these pre-shows rather than being a part of the actual event.

There have been a few show-stealing matches on pay-per-view cards over the past three years and some that WWE definitely wish they had never given away for free.

#6 Ryback Vs Kalisto - Payback 2016

Ryback and Kalisto had another impressive bout at Payback in 2016
Ryback and Kalisto had another impressive bout at Payback in 2016

Ryback's only notable achievements in WWE were when he won the Intercontinental Championship, his unbeaten run which ended at the hands of CM Punk and when he decided to be mentored by Paul Heyman, even though that was deemed a failure.

Despite this, Ryback was actually able to put on some incredible matches when he wasn't under any pressure, and one of these was at Payback in 2016 when he faced off against former United States Champion Kalisto.

The show was in Chicago and Ryback decided to mock hometown hero CM Punk on his way to the ring, which meant the crowd were already behind Kalisto by the time he came out. As ever, the big man, little man match had already been seen at WrestleMania 32 a few weeks before, but this match took it to the next level and even though Ryback didn't manage to win the title, he came out looking strong.

Sadly, this was Ryback's last WWE match as he walked away from the company a day later following a lengthy rant on Social Media surrounding his problems with WWE's pay scale.

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