
The Ministry of Darkness: where are they now?

The Undertaker led The Ministry of Darkness throughout 1999

Even though the Ministry of Darkness only existed for just under a year, it sticks in the minds of those Attitude Era fans as one of the most entertaining stables of its time. Lead by The Undertaker with Paul Bearer at his side, the group dominated Raw is War and feuded with the Corporation as they wrestled, not only with each other but also for supposed power over the WWF.

Burning symbols, sacrifices, rituals and darkness were the main themes of the group. Dressed in gothic attire, they struck fear into the hearts of the roster and had some very entertaining bouts.

Hell in Cell matches, Buried Alive matches and even Inferno matches were present during the Ministry’s reign of terror and the programming was fresh and exciting. With another real stable to feud against, this became one of the highlights of the weekly broadcast.

It helped to establish other stars such as Edge, Christian, and Bradshaw and gave wrestlers that had nothing to do a purpose.

Eventually, it would be revealed that Vince McMahon had been pulling the strings and the group became the Corporate Ministry. Unfortunately, this was not exactly well received and led to the dissolution of both groups.

But what happened to the original members of The Ministry? We’ll take a look at where the former servants of the Lord of Darkness are now, as well as The Undertaker himself!

#6 Viscera

The 1995 King of the Ring, Mabel, did absolutely nothing after his win and goes down as possibly the worst winner of the competition ever, after Mr Ass of course. He had no direction and no real feuds. It wasn’t until he joined the Ministry that he was able to reinvent himself as a new character and become fun to watch again.

The Undertaker had Farooq and Bradshaw abduct him during the 1998 Royal Rumble. The Undertaker renamed him Viscera and he began dressing in patent leather attire which made him look bigger than he was, hid his flabby bits and made him an actual challenge in the ring. 

He was not successful in the singles department but, as a wrestler, he was absolutely brilliant once he morphed into this persona. He was a terrifying character because of the contact lenses that made his eyes look strange as well as the unnaturally blonde Mohawk he sported.

He would eventually become Big Daddy V and one of the attractions of the revived ECW in WWE in 2006. He was released in 2008 after being drafted to SmackDown and made his return to the independent circuit. He did not really do anything of note but ended his career in Qatar Pro Wrestling, with a match against René Duprée.

Unfortunately, on February 18, 2014, Viscera, real name Nelson Frazier, died of a heart attack. No wrestling fan will never forget the job he did entertaining the crowd during the Attitude Era, especially during his time as a Ministry of Darkness member.

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