
6 shocking moments from Raw (October 30, 2017)

They pulled out all the stops in Baltimore

Raw really brought a great show for a Halloween edition of the show this week. There was a nice theme of suspense and amusement around every corner.

The WWE Universe was treated to a street fight they won't be able to forget for a while, they had a few surprises for us, and there was a monster lurking around the corner. It was a great formula and they actually did a great job pulling it off considering all the things.

So let's take a look at six moments that shocked, awed, and possibly appalled.

#1 Raw starts with a big surprise for Kurt Angle

The Billion Dollar Princess Is Back

Kurt Angle started off the show alone in the ring with the Raw locker room lined up on the entrance ramp. He started to hype Survivor Series but didn't get very far before Stephani McMahon's music hit. The "Billion Dollar Princess" came down and she didn't look happy at all.

Stephanie McMahon got in the ring and told Kurt Angle off. She accused him of letting Shane McMahon get the better of him when he took Raw "under siege" last week.

Then, McMahon dropped a bombshell on the "Olympic Gold Medalist" when she made him the captain of Team Raw at Survivor Series. If Angle isn't able to claim the victory for Raw at Survivor Series then it looks like he's out of a job.

Before she left she asserted that she meant everything she said. She also said that if Angle doubted her seriousness, he should simply ask Mick Foley.

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