
6 WWE Superstars who were given a finisher by another wrestler

WWE legends have helped several current Superstars pick up some iconic finishers
WWE legends have helped several current Superstars pick up some iconic finishers

Over the years, several WWE Superstars have come up with some iconic finishers that have helped them stand out from the rest of the crowd.

From Brock Lesnar’s F5 to Johnny Gargano’s One Final Beat, there are several finishers in WWE that are closely associated with the people who came up with the move. However, we have seen several submission moves such as the Crossface, Sharpshooter and Boston Crab being generously used by different WWE Superstars over the years.

Similarly, the Spear, Samoan Drop and Chokeslam are some of the other finishers that are now extensively used by different WWE Superstars.

Some iconic finishers have been handed over to current WWE Superstars by other wrestlers. In this article, we will look at six WWE Superstars who got their finishers from other wrestlers.

#6 WWE Superstar Ricochet got the Recoil from Chris Jericho

Ricochet is known as one of the most athletic Superstars in all of WWE today, and is known for his high-flying moves. However, his finisher, The 630, started to take a toll on his body. So, he decided to adopt another finisher during some of his matches.

The WWE Universe was quick to notice that Ricochet’s new finisher, known as the Recoil, was very similar to Chris Jericho’s Codebreaker. Y2J soon revealed that The One and Only took permission from him to use the move in WWE.

"Ricochet actually text me and asked me if he could use the Codebreaker. He said he was doing a 630, which is this crazy, dippy, flippy, splash and it was starting to hurt him doing it every night," Jericho said. "So, he was looking for something a little less impactful as far as doing something from the top rope, and he asked if he could do the Codebreaker.
"I said absolutely! But you might want to change the name of it," he added. "People might think its associated with me, but you know, I haven't been there for two years, so here today gone later today."

While Jericho is in AEW now, he was happy to let a young Superstar like Ricochet use his move in WWE.

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