
6 WWE Superstars who have the highest risk of losing their push

Is his spot secure?
Is his spot secure?

In WWE, many Superstars can rarely get a guaranteed push regardless of how things are going. More often than not, we've seen Superstars gain their momentum, only for it to be killed off instantaneously by bad booking and terrible storylines.

The reality is that even for many champions and top stars, a consistent and steady push isn't always guaranteed. Given that there's a roster full of hungry talent always on the rise, every major spot will be at risk.

There is a current crop of Superstars who are getting pushed pretty heavily right now, and unfortunately, it's not the kind of push that is guaranteed for the long run. We do, of course, hope that they do get a sustained and continual push, but they are undoubtedly most at risk of losing this push.

Here are five Superstars (one of which is a tag team) who have the biggest risk of losing their push.

Also read: 6 WWE superstars who Vince McMahon will push for Survivor Series 2019

#6 Rey Mysterio

A filler feud?
A filler feud?

Rey Mysterio hasn't gotten the biggest push this year. Sure, he had a brief United States Championship run, but that ended as soon as it began. He's been in and out of a few feuds, mostly being on the losing end of things.

That's perfectly alright because his role at this point seems to be to put over younger talent anyway. However, since October, he got pushed as soon as he got involved with Brock Lesnar. This was, of course, to set up the Cain Velasquez-Lesnar feud but that was a flop because it ended in 2 minutes.

Sure, that did technically give it a realistic MMA-like feel, but it had more to do with the fact that Velasquez had a terrible knee injury prior (a common trend for him, it seems). Mysterio is likely a filler feud for Lesnar and will mostly lose his push once Survivor Series is done.

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