
7 mistakes WWE made on Raw this week (11 February 2019) 

To reunite or not?
To reunite or not?

When it's the go home show of Raw and Smackdown Live before a PPV, we know what to expect. In the past, these episodes left a lot to be desired.

Now the question is, did this episode of Raw break the mould, change traditions that we are so set on expecting, and give us something different? The answer is yes and no, and that is due to WWE not really fully committing on giving us an episode that got our excitement levels up.

And to be truly honest, this was not a terrible episode of the flagship show, as we saw a title change, a huge change of Wrestlemania plans, and some development on the Universal Title match.

But the things that dragged this episode down were the repetitive matches, no real cliffhangers for the pay-per-view, and not enough freshness to a product in need for it. So let's go through what mistakes WWE made on Raw this week, and what they could have done to avoid it, as complaining about something without providing a solution is just silly.

#7 Who Really Wants To Walk With Elias?

Elias is a special talent
Elias is a special talent

What is the main thing that makes Elias entertaining, what makes you an Elias fan if you are one? Please comment down below letting us know, as the main thing that makes us fans connect with a character is their entertainment value, and that is why every fan has their favourites.

If someone says Mojo Rawley is their favourite wrestler, no one can say that is incorrect just because they don't like Mojo's character, as to each their own, and the truth is wrestling built on personal preference, and personal preference of fans makes this industry diverse in variety.

That is why Elias' booking over the last few weeks has really troubled fans, as WWE has booked him some ineffective segments involving Jeff Jarrett and Road Dogg of all people.

And if you thought the segments could not get any worse, then you were mistaken, as this week on Raw Elias shared his screen time with The Lucha House Party. The Lucha House Party, as irrelevant as they are booked, are exceptional wrestlers, but on the mic, let's just say Kalisto isn't the greatest.

This segment was not effective, as it just saw Elias just whack Kalisto with his guitar and run away. Now the question is, are we going to see Elias vs Kalisto on the Elimination Chamber kick-off show?

Well, that could be the reason why this segment even existed. But it doesn't change the fact that Elias as a character is going nowhere, as he is in the same spot he was a year ago, and it is only due to the fans' personal preference of cheering Elias on, he is still retaining his credibility. Elias needs to be moved into a solid programme where WWE can make him a star, and it seems like him feuding with Bobby Lashley for the IC Title could just about do that for now.

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