
8 most unusual trademarks by WWE

Sometimes, obesession over intellectual property takes a backseat to common sense
Sometimes, obsession over intellectual property takes a backseat to common sense

WWE has a very aggressive approach when it comes to intellectual property. Whenever the creative department comes up with a new idea or something they want to promote, their legal department goes into full attack mode, trying to trademark and protect whatever it is the company has come up with.

While this approach is completely logical from a business standpoint, it does come across as paranoid and obsessive when you take a step back and look at it more closely. WWE is basically trying to take any idea they come up with and claim to own it 100%.

This is done to prevent anyone else from using anything they’ve created, and if someone does try to even pay tribute or use some of their ideas through creative licensing and fair use, WWE tends to respond in the most hostile way imaginable.

At the same time, there are some ideas, words and concepts that WWE has tried to trademark that have either failed, or were so ridiculous and over the top that one couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow or turn their head in confusion.

Here are eight of the most unusual trademarks by WWE.

#8 ‘Child proof’

Somehow the idea of 'child proof WWE toys' doesn't sound like it'll sell very much
Somehow the idea of 'child proof WWE toys' doesn't sound like it'll sell very much

According to trademarkia.com, an online site that shows applications for trademarks, WWE had tried to trademark this term three times in 2013.

The first was for a professional wrestling show targeted at children, the second was for a line of action figures and toys also marketed towards children, and the third was for apparel (i.e. pajamas, clothes, jackets, etc.) also geared towards children.

What makes this so unusual is that the actual name is counterintuitive to what WWE was going for. Imagine trying to convince someone to say the phrase, ‘I want to buy those child proof toys for my child.’

That would be both confusing and paradoxical, since the word ‘childproof’ without the spacing means something that cannot be used or tampered with by children. Clearly, someone wasn’t paying much attention to logic when this trademark was proposed.

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