
8 Unbelievable backstage stories about Vince McMahon that are true

Vince McMahon is certainly an "interesting" individual
Vince McMahon is certainly an "interesting" individual

On television, WWE has showcased some mind-boggling storylines that sound implausible on paper. In reality, the company's history is riddled with infamous backstage stories. The Chairman and CEO of WWE, Vince McMahon, is well-known for his peculiar behavior.

In fact, some of Vince's real-life stories surpass the eccentricities of his onscreen persona.

It is often said that the truth is stranger than fiction, and a few of these actual incidents may follow that principle, as well. With that in mind, here are eight unbelievable Vince McMahon backstage stories that turned out to be true.

#8. Vince McMahon loved pushing people into swimming pools back in the day

Jerry Lawler saw this one coming
Jerry Lawler saw this one coming

The Chairman and CEO of WWE, Vince McMahon, enjoys pulling off pranks, even when people used to visit his house for meetings. He loved pushing people into his pool, and this particular story focuses on how Jerry Lawler almost found himself on the receiving end of McMahon's antics.

On an episode of Lawler's "Dinner with the King" podcast, he revealed that on the day of WrestleMania IX back in 1993, Vince McMahon almost wasn't in attendance backstage at the event.

The reason behind this absence would have been Vince's failed prank on Lawler. On the day of the aforementioned event, both of them were taking a walk outside Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas. As they approached a fountain, McMahon rushed Lawler and tried to push him into the fountain. The King saw it coming and dodged his boss. As a result, Vince went straight into the fountain as a victim of his own prank.

Lawler was legitimately worried when Vince said that he may have hurt his ribs. Fortunately, WrestleMania IX proceeded as planned, but the sheer image of Vince McMahon diving head-first into a fountain would have been a comical sight to witness that day.

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