AJ Lee and Paige: Clash of the titans

Is AJ Lee versus Paige the most awaited feud the divas division can anticipate? Maybe, yes.
When Daniel Bryan lost in 18 seconds to Sheamus, it wasn’t just the beginning of the Yes Movement. It was also the beginning of AJ Lee’s doomed search for, um, love. Afterall, everything that she learned from that journey of hers is printed on her T-Shirt- Love Bites. I remember an interview of Maria Kanellis and she said that women in the WWE were not considered to sell merchandise. Well, in that respect AJ Lee has changed that aspect of the business, so much so that a new version of her T- Shirt is also available on the WWE website.
Paige entered the WWE with one of the best reactions to a diva has ever received on her debut. Her entrance got a great reaction and her victory over AJ got another great ovation. Since then Paige has gone on to have a consistent bunch of matches which have better than the many matches the divas have put on for the past couple of years and she is just getting started. This makes AJ Lee’s return to the ring even more exciting. It seems like finally two divas who are wrestlers first and cover girls later are going square off in a WWE ring after a long time and the divas Championship can finally add something relevant to its history.
One uses a submission move called the ‘Black Widow’ and the other the modified Scorpion cross leg lock. Both of which look really impressive. Although the latter seems more painful.
Ever since Trish and Lita retired, there hasn’t been a rivalry that could match theirs. Sure, some have come close. Like Melina versus Mickie James. Beth Phoenix versus Melina and Mickie James and Victoria Versus Molly Holly. It’s actually appalling that Natalya and Beth Phoenix only had a few short matches. They were good but they never developed into a rivalry. There have been great matches too. But a great match and a great feud is a combination that everyone should aim for in the WWE. It makes things more must watch. Otherwise what you have with no history or depth to a rivalry is just a match which might get lost under the piles of good matches and a feud with some good build up is just a passing fad if the match did not live up to the buildup i.e. Cena Vs Bray Wyatt.
A match becomes great only when it is preceded by a great build up. Every great match needs a great build up.
And now, we’re back to Paige and AJ and the feud that can be. There good in the ring and they’re good on the mic and they have a very strong screen presence. All this can combine to be a great recipe for a great time in the divas division. Is this signaling towards a revival of the division just like what we saw happen to the tag division a year ago? If only AJ Lee returns soon, the excitement for these two to collide is going to get a huge boost for the Divas Division. It already is a reasonable story to begin with. Fictionally, AJ Lee, the crazy AJ Lee, is recovering after losing the latest love of her life- The Divas Championship and when she returns she will take it back.
But again at the same time, during a recent Chicago cubs game we were let known that CM Punk and AJ are getting married in June, so we may have to wait for a while for her comeback.
Here is a former champion who is madness and here is a new champion who is maybe on the verge to badass-ery. It is the best combination of personalities that the divas division can have. And this is why this feud can be the most defining and relevant feud of a revitalized divas division.