
Alberto El Patron talks CM Punk being sued, thoughts on Roman Reigns, Vince McMahon, Triple H

Alberto El Patron wishes Punk well

Troy McDonald recently interviewed Alberto El Patron for The Troy Show. During the interview, El Patron talked about Chris Amann suing CM Punk, Roman Reigns, Vince McMahon and more. You can listen to the full interview here, below are some highlights:

WWE's medical staff and CM Punk being sued by WWE doctor Chris Amann:

"I never had any issues with the WWE medical staff, I've had problems with other departments similar to that. I know CM Punk, I know he's not lying... Hopefully Punk goes well with this lawsuit and hopefully we get to see him pretty soon."

Will CM Punk go to Lucha Underground:

"You never know buddy. There will be more surprises coming in the next 3 to 4 weeks."

Roman Reigns:

"Great guy, great talent. A lot of talent and a lot of potential."

Vince McMahon:

"A great person. A gentleman. I have nothing but good words for him."

Triple H:

"I'm going to reserve my comments on that one [laughs]."

You can listen to the full interview below:

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