Another Superstar added to Royal Rumble, Change in commentary, more

WWE Hall of Famer Booker T did commentary for the second week in a row at the WWE Main Event held in Laredo, Texas. It now appears that the new commentary team is Booker T, Michael Cole, and John Bradshaw Layfield (JBL) and it is said that Byron Saxton is off the show for a few weeks now.
Also, WWE United States Champion Rusev announced on the Main Event that he has entered into the 30 man Royal Rumble match which is scheduled later this month. He now joins with Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan as the only announced participants.
After missing several weeks of Michael Cole’s weekly sit-down interviews, Triple H will be in the hot-seat tomorrow. It is noted that Triple H will discuss the firings of Ryback, Dolph Ziggler and Erick Rowan in the show.