Backstage update on Justin Gabriel's exit from WWE

It has been reported earlier that Justin Gabriel quit WWE before the Royal Rumble 2015. Gabriel appeared as usual on the day of Monday Night Raw and had found out that nothing was assigned to him. So he decided to go out in the afternoon, the word is that he went sight-seeing and another person saying he went sky-diving. When he came back in the evening, he still wasn't assigned any job. Gabriel was disappointed with his opportunities and decided he did not want to be in WWE anymore.
After finalising his decision, he booked tickets to fly back home. In between connecting flights, he got a call from WWE Talent Relations Head Mark Carrano, saying him that they had booked a Raw segment for him but couldn't find him anywhere in the arena. This is when Justin has said that he has quit WWE and is heading back home.
This action by Gabriel made the WWE officials unhappy and they found it very rude. After a few days, he was granted his release during the Rumble week.