
WWE Evolution 2018: Becky Lynch vs Charlotte Flair: Who Should Win vs Who Will Win

Becky Lynch and Charlotte Flair: Heated Rivalry
Becky Lynch and Charlotte Flair: Heated Rivalry

The inaugural WWE all women's pay per view, Evolution is set to take place on October 28, 2018. The co-headliner will be the likely feud ending collision between Becky Lynch and Charlotte Flair over the Smackdown Women's Championship.

The seeds of dissension between long-time friends Becky Lynch and Charlotte Flair began to appear when Flair won a match against then Smackdown Women's Champion, Carmella to earn a spot in the Women's Championship match-up at Summerslam.

Originally booked as a singles match between Lynch and Carmella, Lynch was miffed that her odds dropped with perennial Champion, Flair added to the bout.

Dissension was teased but the pair appeared to remain friends heading into the clash. However, the mood changed when Flair defeated Carmella to win the match, and Lynch, feeling Flair had stolen her opportunity, snapped, battering her ally and ending their friendship.

Despite ostensibly turning heel and acting dastardly in every conceivable way, Lynch has been treated by the WWE Universe as the babyface, as the crowd cheers her every move, no matter what she does or says. This was no more evident when she snidely remarked to WWE Hall of Famer, Edge, who criticised her recent behaviour on the Smackdown 1000 show that he should be careful he doesn't hurt his neck when he leaves the ring. Edge was forced to retire due to a career-ending neck injury. The crowd cheered.

The live audience also went nuts weeks earlier when Lynch pinned Flair to win the title at Hell in a Cell in September and roared even louder when she refused to shake Flair's hand.

The feud escalated from there with Lynch getting herself disqualified to retain the belt at Super Show-Down in Melbourne, Australia and when she attacked her former best friend at the WWE's Performance Centre.

The feud will finally come to a head at Evolution on October 28.

Who should win? Who will win? SK attempts to answer that question in the following slideshow.

Who should win: Becky Lynch

Becky Lynch; Enjoying the best run of her career
Becky Lynch; Enjoying the best run of her career

Becky Lynch should win at WWE Evolution for the simple reason that her character is red hot right now.

Lynch is over like gangbusters with the WWE Universe. Although she is supposed to be the heel, she is overwhelmingly cheered every time she appears in front of the live crowd.

Her new character is passionate, dynamic and a winner. It is a sensation with the fan-base and a more than welcome development after WWE squandered her talent for so long as she became the invisible woman in 2017, with so little momentum, no gauge existed in which it could be measured.

WWE has such a star on its hands with Lynch, that it should do everything in its power to preserve her aura and status. 

She needs to continue her incredible run by retaining the Championship against Flair at Evolution.

The promotion has so few genuine stars on its roster right now that it needs to ensure it doesn't squander the ones it has and Lynch is one of it's biggest.

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