Best and Worst of AEW All Out- Stunning upset, Former Impact Wrestling Champs arrive

I thought that there was a lot to like about All Out, the final destination for All Elite Wrestling before the product becomes a weekly fixture and hits our TV screens. Everyone knew that they had a point to prove, and I thought that they did so, to a great degree.
In this article, I shall illustrate what I liked and what I did not particularly care for, from the show that aired. Needless to say, the wrestling was great, but you would expect that from a promotion like All Elite Wrestling, which is more 'pro wrestling' than 'sports entertainment'.
I would love to hear your thoughts and views on the article as well, so I urge you to let me know what your opinions were in the comments below. Did you think that this was a good show, or did you think that it was disappointing to some degree?
Feel free to voice your thoughts in the section below.
#1 Best: PAC upsets Omega for the win
It would have been way too easy to have Kenny Omega defeat PAC with the One Winged Angel after a grueling match. I loved how bold AEW has been with Omega's booking because the announcers stressed on the fact that Omega's winning record hasn't been the best lately.
But what I especially loved about this match is the fact that PAC defeated Kenny Omega with the Brutalizer, which is a fantastic submission move, which made the 'Best Bout Machine' fade out and pass out. This was the biggest upset of the night and I'm glad that it was booked in such a manner because it got people talking.
I'm sure we're in for a series of matches between the two men. It's going to be a real thrill for fans.