Best and worst of AEW Dynamite before Full Gear- Ex WWE star returns, massive botch

Every time I watch Dynamite, I sense the disparity between the top stars in the company and those lower in the card. It is clear that while some stalwarts in AEW are carrying the company on their backs, others still have a long way to go in that regard.
With that said, while there were weaker moments through the course of AEW Dynamite, I have to say that overall, I thought that it was a pretty good show. The end, in particular, was pretty good when it erupted into an all-out brawl between the participants involved in this weekend's pay-per-view.
I'm going to eliminate a few factors from the best and worst column, like how good the crowd in Charlotte was and how much they added to the match, and how annoying it was that the Fite TV sync wasn't up to speed at all. I'm only going to focus on the show and the components that were presented to us during the course of the broadcast.
Let's begin with one of the best things about this week's show, by far...
#1 Best: Cody Rhodes' promo
Some people cannot make an unscripted promo work at all. Cody Rhodes is not 'some people'. This week, he cut a promo with passion, to the point where he almost teared up while doing so and the crowd lapped up every single word. There really is no better candidate to be the face of the promotion right now.
Almost as good if not better was the spoof that also featured Virgil who made a return, hopefully not for one night only. It was hilarious and the crowd was hooked on to every word as Chris Jericho made light of the emotion and passion that Cody Rhodes has brought into the title feud.