Best & worst of Impact Wrestling- Another character killed off, champion destroyed in main event

Tonight's Impact Wrestling was pretty much non-stop highs after a pretty rough low in the opening segment. Aside from that, it's probably one of the best two hours of wrestling we've gotten from the company this year.
As opposed to last week, almost every single match this week had purpose and moved things along. We got everything we needed as wrestling fans here. Hardcore wrestling, mat wrestling, high flying and massive power moves filled the card, making the show fly by.
With an episode that continued to build up to the final match of the night, where we were given one of the best matches of the year, it was great to hear Melissa Santos get excited about the fact that the Twitch stream had broken 10,000 viewers. Hopefully, those that decided to tune in this week get the urge to come back in weeks to come, because you're gonna be hardpressed to find a wrestling program like this anywhere else.
#1 Best: The Demon Collar Match

Wrestling fans have seen several matches go south almost immediately due to odd gimmicks. Shark cages, blindfolds, prescription medication on a pole, Sometimes we're given something that, from the getgo, looks like a terrible idea.
I had lumped the Demon Collar Match on this week's Impact into that category. Even though Rosemary and Su Yung are two incredible performers, and they've been able to make weird stipulations work before, it just felt like this was dead on arrival.
How wrong I was, and how glad I am I was wrong. If like me, you saw this announcement and felt that these two rivals wouldn't be able to pull out a slobber knocker, you're gonna need to see this one in full. From the start, it was a vicious brawl between two supernatural beings. After a year of spilt blood, sweat, and the death of Allie, we finally saw the real Dark War play out tonight.
The match started off hot, with both competitors looking to spray each other with mist out the gate. After they missed, Rosemary jumped on Yung, tying her up in the chain and tossing her around by the neck.
At one point, Rosemary had Yung hanging from the steel ring post, with her feet hanging inches off the ground. Yung eventually turned it around, driving Rosemary shoulder first into the ring post and leaping onto her with a rolling senton from the apron.
From here on out, it was basically a one-sided brawl. Yung completely dominated Rosemary, stopping her every comeback with a chained up fist to the face. Rosemary seemed to be completely unconscious near the end of the bout, especially after the Mandible Claw. However, she was playing possum and yanked Yung off the top rope into a cloud of mist. A hard-hitting spear and the Red Wedding put Yung away in an incredible, yes, Demon Collar Match.
Rosemary dragged Yung away with the chain, Yung choking all the way up the ramp. Is this the end of their rivalry? No one knows, but if not, I don't know how they're going to top tonight.