
Best and Worst of NXT Takeover: Chicago

As professional wrestling fans, we tend to view the past with rose-tinted glasses. In doing so, we don’t realize that we are living in an era of some great wrestling indeed. As we witnessed tonight, NXT Takeover: Chicago was truly magical in every sense. It is an honor to recap some of the events of the evening with you.

NXT Takeovers have a track record of being picture-perfect events, and this was no different. From the opening entrance to the big swerve at the end, the show delivered on every front. While nostalgia is a great thing, professional wrestling has never been this good. We were hard pressed to find a ‘worst’ for the evening, but we had some gripes that we’ll detail in this article. Without further ado, let’s get to them.

#1 Best: The return of Jim Ross 

The voice of sports entertainment returned to the announcer’s booth, once again

We heard Jim Ross call the UK Tournament on the WWE Network, but the ovation he got from the live crowd in Chicago was deafening indeed. He and Nigel McGuiness (who was on fire through the night) added their own special touch to what, in our opinion, was the match of the night (but more on that later). For their part, Tom Phillips and Percy Watson were not bad either, and the commentary truly was on point all through the night.

Jim Ross’ association with the UK participants gives the whole division some added weight, making it seem more relevant. 

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