Best and Worst of Raw - 14th November, 2016

WWE has been really hit or miss when it comes to go-home shows before a big Pay-Per-View. Going into Survivor Series though, we must admit that WWE really stepped up their game. Live from Buffalo, New York, just when the show was beginning to drag...the show picked up its pace, and how!
There were at least two segments on Raw which made us sit up straight. The rest of the show did have a lot of filler matches, but let’s say that the positives outweighed the negatives.
Switching off our television sets, 3 hours after it began, we're more thrilled about Sunday than bored with the filler we were subjected to. Let’s travel right to the Keyback Center and take a look at the Best and Worst parts of this week’s edition of RAW then!
#1 Best: An epic face-off

Heading into this week, this is the segment we were most excited about. Unlike the last Heyman promo, this time the crowd was completely behind Goldberg, and Lesnar came across as the heel, who let his advocate speak for him, quite disinterestedly.
A completely dead crowd came alive for this segment! What this segment proved is that when wrestlers are not booked as comedy characters, but as actual brutal badasses, the crowd is far more invested in the contest at hand. The security dividing the two superstars just added legitimacy to their encounter. All the detractors of Goldberg can take a hike as he proved he still has it when he cleared the ring. He almost botched up a clothesline, but showed incredible balance to make the save.

While the monsters did not lock horns, it has us interested in the match on Sunday when the two forces of nature collide again.