
Best and Worst of Smackdown - 14th February 2017

Things are bound to get interesting as we approach Wrestlemania 33

Two nights ago, at Elimination Chamber, a new, creepy, sadistic champion was crowned and things haven't been the same since then.

The first show since Elimination Chamber was eventful, much like any other Smackdown Live episode is, but the grand finale of the episode just left us with many unanswered questions.

How did Smackdown fare after an episode of Raw that had a lot of storylines progress on the road to Fastlane? Read our ‘Best and Worst’ countdown to find out!

#1 Best: The Wyatt Family is absolutely insane

How often does the Royal Rumble winner refuse a title shot at Wrestlemania?

Smackdown should have ended with the truly explosive main event, and the audience should have gone home smiling.

Instead, Orton's music hit as Bray Wyatt celebrated his first title defence against John Cena and AJ Styles. The man with voices in his head told Wyatt that he does not want to face the master at Wrestlemania 33. 

Earlier, shortly before the match transpired, Luke Harper showed up out of the blue and attacked his former master. You never know what to expect with these absolutely deranged individuals. 

Heading into Wrestlemania, neither of the three men can be described as a babyface or heel in the traditional WWE sense. They are just crazed cult members from the backwoods, and they do not behave like normal individuals do.

This changes the dynamic heading into Wrestlemania and actually gives us a story to sink our teeth into, for a change. WWE took a stale feud and actually made it more interesting than it once was. Kudos to Smackdown for actually giving us storyline driven feuds and narratives.

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