
Best and worst of SmackDown Live: August 22, 2017

Oh so glorious...until the end!
Oh so glorious...until the end!

When you're putting on a show for the fourth consecutive night in an arena, it better be very good! Thankfully, this week, SmackDown Live didn't disappoint in any regard. From the very start to the finish line, every moment was truly 'glorious'. We do have a few reservations from the show from a long-term perspective, but we have to admit, that this show was a winner.

Let's hope that WWE maintains this level of quality on both brands, in the months that follow. Let's look at what aspects of the show ruled, and the components of the show that could have been better had more safeguards been taken. We present the 'best and worst' of SmackDown Live.

#1 Best: A 'glorious' call up

We saw Bobby Roode compete for the second time, this weekend
We saw former NXT Champion, Bobby Roode compete for the second time, this weekend

We see many NXT talents not able to carry their momentum to the main roster, much to the bewilderment of those in the NXT Universe. We have a feeling that Bobby Roode is not one such person and that he is destined to go far. He's got a lot of personality; he's got a great look, and he is solid inside the ring. The TNA veteran is meant for great things, and we were glad to hear his music hit on SmackDown Live.

While it was puzzling to see him debut as a babyface, after playing a heel so well on WWE's developmental brand, we'll still take it. Roode is a potential world champion in the future, and his path to glory began this week.

Yes, SmackDown Live did benefit from his arrival, but it exposes a far larger problem with its potentially bloated roster.

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