
Best and Worst of Smackdown Live: Dec 27th, 2016

The perfect show to cap off a great year for Smackdown

For the second night in a row, Chicago hosted a WWE show. Thankfully, after the debacle that was Raw, SmackDown was a near perfect show in every respect. There were only three matches, but all of them had major stakes.

The non-wrestling segments delivered too! We had very little to complain about from this week’s brilliant episode, and truth be told, we’re glad that SmackDown Live finished 2016 on such a great note. Here are the many positives and 2-3 negatives from this week’s power-packed Smackdown Live edition. 

#1 Best: Dean Ambush

Everything about this segment was pure gold in every way!

From Miz refusing to talk to Dasha Fuentes, to Renee Young’s confrontation with The Miz’s wife Maryse, to the Ambrose ambush (can we just call him Dean Ambush already?), to Ambrose concluding the segment by taking our the security guards and speaking into their walkie-talkies; everything about this whole dramatic storyline spells supremely high-quality sports entertainment!

We hope the match between these men is just as good, next week.

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