
Best and worst of the decade's final WWE RAW- Orton shows heelish tendencies, Unexpected return

The final RAW of the decade was stacked with surprises
The final RAW of the decade was stacked with surprises

What a decade it's been and how many changes we've seen in WWE over the past few years, right? The final episode of WWE RAW of the decade ended with a bang, as the Lana and Lashley wedding was interrupted with a bunch of unexpected interruptions.

Whether you thought the end of RAW was a car crash or a stroke of genius, it is impossible to dispute the fact that it was an eventful show for sure. Let me separate the good from the bad and bring you the best and worst of RAW.

Be sure to leave a comment and let me know if you liked the show or did not care for it at all. I would love to hear your take and get your reaction to this week's show.

So, this is the final Best and Worst of the decade, ladies and gentlemen.

#1 Best: Randy Orton swerves the audience

A lot of people actually believed that Randy Orton's career was over and done after the heartfelt promo he cut when he came out with crutches. WWE made it a point to mention that he had sustained the injury at a WWE live event and made a lot of the audience buy into the story.

And then, he would name-drop Edge before he delivered an RKO to AJ Styles who's really come into his own as a heel. I wonder if this is the first step towards a heel turn, considering that babyfaces don't usually pretend to have career-ending injuries before delivering their finishing moves.

Whatever the case was, this was probably the biggest highlight of what was otherwise not the most noteworthy show except for the start and the end. Orton vs. Styles finally does feel like a pretty big deal.

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