
Best and worst of WWE in 2019: An incredible transformation, Vince McMahon's strange rule

This has been a year of ups and downs galore
This has been a year of ups and downs galore

When we look back at the year that was, a lot of us tend to do so with a very negative perspective. While jogging my memory back in preparation to write this article, I genuinely thought to myself that this hasn't been a bad year at all.

So, it's time to reflect on the year that was and separate the best from the worst. Be sure to let me know what you think, ladies and gentlemen, in the comments section below.

I personally believe that this was a solid year of WWE programming and the good outweighs the bad, by a long shot. The ratings and the live attendance may not necessarily reflect this, but for WWE to go so strong after so many years is a feat unto itself.

How many other TV shows have the same kind of viewership after these many years?

#1 Best: Bray Wyatt transforms into The Fiend

Bray Wyatt has always been one of the more interesting characters in the WWE roster, as a borderline Supernatural figure, but his transformation into The Fiend has been the highlight of 2019 by far. Is it any wonder that he was voted as the 'Male Superstar of The Year'?

Wyatt is the current WWE Universal Champion and the face of SmackDown on FOX. He is seemingly indestructible and the question of who can take The Fiend down is one that's been plaguing the WWE roster. The Firefly Fun House is a very unique way for Bray Wyatt to cut promos and push his matches, and the sheer unexpectedness with which he strikes is his trademark.

Bray Wyatt will continue to be one of WWE's top Superstars in 2020 because of just how much momentum the character has right now. This has been Bray Wyatt's year!

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