
Best and Worst of WWE RAW: Brand new feud begins, Botch from WWE Hall of Famer 

Lana made the mistake of slapping an officer this week
Lana made the mistake of slapping an officer this week

While there have been weak episodes of RAW in the past, I have to say that this week's episode was especially poor. So much so that I actually dozed off in the middle of the broadcast, something I don't usually do, quite honestly.

When I came to, the Viking Raiders were screaming 'are you watching' in an accusatory tone to me. I went back and caught up on all the parts that I missed before I begin this week's review of RAW.

Of course, you may think differently from what I did, and hence, I invite you to leave a comment in the section right below. Also, I'd be really glad if you could rate the matches that happened on RAW on a scale of 1-5 at this particular link.

So, let's dive right into the review of this week's show then.

#1 Best: Drew McIntyre vs. Randy Orton officially commences

Surprisingly enough, I'd never thought that I'd be so excited at the prospect of a Randy Orton vs. Drew McIntyre feud, even after the tease that happened on last week's show. But if you look at the two men and how they size up, you can pretty much tell that this will be a dream feud for both men involved.

McIntyre doesn't always get a chance to shine on the microphone, having played the part of Dolph Ziggler's muscle in the past and also portraying the role of Shane McMahon's lackey. This time he did and when he engaged in a war of words with Randy Orton, he proved to the world why he should be the top heel on RAW.

The battle of the Claymore vs. The RKO should be one for the ages, in my opinion. I am certainly sold!

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