
Best and worst of WWE RAW from the Performance Center- Former Champion shines, Current Champion buried?

The Man and Stone Cold shared cold beverages this week
The Man and Stone Cold shared cold beverages this week

I've reviewed over 200 episodes of RAW thus far and I believe that this has to be the most unique episode I've covered, by a long shot. The Coronavirus pandemic has taken over the world and as a result, WWE hosted this week's show live from the WWE Performance Center.

I have to say kudos to WWE for pulling off a show in such a manner because of their commitment to fans worldwide. But the charm of SmackDown from the Performance Center wore off for RAW and while there were certainly some high spots during the show, it was a tepid affair overall, I felt.

So, with that said, I present the 'best and worst' of WWE RAW. Be sure to leave a comment and let me know if you agree or disagree with my assessment.

If I sound harsh in this review, it's because, all said and done, I wasn't entertained for the duration of the three hours. At the same time, I have to salute WWE for their efforts.

#1 Best: Asuka on commentary

This may be sacrilege to some but I prefer this funny and animated version of Asuka a lot more as compared to the undefeated version. It did seem that for a long time she could not find her footing after her streak was broken, but there was a comedic side to Asuka that nobody knew about. She was the best thing about RAW this week, and it was a show that included Edge, The Undertaker, and Stone Cold Steve Austin.

Jerry 'The King' Lawler seemed to be especially flabbergasted by what she was saying, and it made for some comedic viewing every time the camera cut to the commentary desk. This was absolute gold, in my opinion.

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